Has anyone succeeded in adding macOS Launchpad as an 'always include' app in KM's Application Switcher?
I can get it to show up in the switcher, but when it's opened it immediately closes.
As a possible workaround, I tried creating a simple Apple Script to activate Launchpad.app and saved it as an Application to add to the Application Switcher. But this causes Launchpad.app to become unresponsive and has to be force quit.
...it will successfully launch, but the KM Engine will never THINK that it has successfully launched, resulting in a timeout error. This could be related to your problems.
I have a feeling that Launchpad is implemented using Spaces, and Apple has never released an API for Spaces, which means KM may not be able to treat it correctly.
I think it's actually part of the Dock's processes, as some "settings" type data is stored in the Dock's plist. For example, as found on Stack Overflow:
I seem to have figured it out. Instead of using an AppleScript Application, I created an Automator Application and gave it the same icon as Launchpad.
So now I can launch my applications using Launchpad by launching my Launcher app which launches Launchpad via the Launch Application automator action. Who says there's no such thing as a free launch. I'll get my coat.
Wrap your app's commands in an ignoring application responses block:
ignoring application responses
tell application "Launchpad"
end tell
end ignoring
Basically, Launchpad never responds with the "OK, I've done that command!" that your script is expecting, so it'll sit there waiting until there's a timeout. ignoring application responses does just what it says, the script doesn't wait and will complete and exit cleanly.