OS 14.4 asks for screen recording permission

Hi all

Since some days I newly get an altert from time to time that tells me that KM needs allowance for «Screen & System Audio Recordings» although KM has these rights already in the System Settings.


Is this only me, using a beta 14.4 Sonoma OS?

Kind regards –

Typically this is due to the macOS permissions system losing its mind. What works—often but not always—is this:

Quit KM Editor and KM Engine. Remove those two permissions in System Settings. Reboot. Relaunch KM Engine and Editor. Re-enable the two permissions.


Thanks for the hint, Rob, I tried that twice, even installed beta 3 of 14.4, same problem as before.

Kind regards –

Unfortunately, something else is bugging it then—maybe it's a bug in the beta OS, who knows. If you really want to try it, you can wipe the entire accessibility system's settings and start fresh, though I don't recommend this on a production Mac, as you'll be clicking "Yes" for the next three days as apps ask for approval to do things.

But if you want to try, in Terminal: tccutil reset Accessibility then reboot.


Thanks again, Rob.
The problem is not that big, I maybe just wait until the next OS version.

Kind regards –