OS X Accessibility Inspector (UIElementInspector) Tool for UI Scripting

Tom, thanks for sharing your experience with getting the UI elements.

The script you referenced from MacScripter looks like another good tool to have in one's tool kit.

I haven't used either the Accessibility Inspector (AccInspt) or the above script, but just testing both against the Evernote app, here is what I found:

  1. The script (compiled/saved as an app) did NOT report anything for "menu" or "window" options.
  • It seems to work with the Finder, but not with Evernote
  1. The AccInspt seems to work well with Evernote.
  • I haven't tried to create an AppleScript using it, but the displays look encouraging, and also are dynamic:

Hopefully I'll have some time in the next week or so to create a KM Macro that uses AppleScript UI scripting to provide a better interface for changing Evernote text format.