I have a Macro which contains many IF statements that contains Actions within those IF statements, the system currently takes 1.1-1.5 seconds to go through the whole Macro because there are many IF/Actions in the macro. Is it possible to Parse this into Text Script which would be much faster and checking the IF statements then performing the KM Actions?
KM is an interpreted language. There is no option for compiling it. But there are many ways to speed up a script. Right now, without seeing it, I can't tell you how to optimize it.
Based on what you've said about the 1.5 seconds, I suspect you have some unneeded time delays, because I've never written a series of IF statements (without loops) that take 1.5 seconds.
Some KM scripts can, however, be converted into shell scripts, (or maybe Perl, Java, awk, or something else) which usually run faster than KM scripts. But without seeing it, I can't give much advice.
I don't want to see any personal data like names, so my suggestion is that you make a copy of your macro, remove any personal data, and then upload the copy to this forum. Even a screenshot of the macro (with personal data removed) might give us a little insight into your issues.