Permission to Run Python


I managed to decline Keyboard Maestro query to run python, by macs security, how do can it be changed?

Best Regards

I'm not 100% sure, but I would go to System and then to Security & Privacy.

Start looking under 'Automation'

If it's not there, keep looking elsewhere.

Let us know if you do or don't find it.

I have started looking for it and can't find it - furthermore, i can't even find any boxes that have yet to be checked of.

Additionally I've given Keyboard Maestro access to developer tools, doesn't seem to help.

Hey Jens,

  • What version of Python?
  • What version of macOS?
  • What version of Keyboard Maestro?


Keyboard Maestro 9.2
macOS 12.0
Python 3.8.8

Have you looked under full-disk-access?


That I'd actually missed - but I have checked that on now and restarted Keyboard Maestro still no Python scripts :frowning:


  • Delete the Keyboard Maestro app from your system.
  • Reboot.
  • Download a new copy of Keyboard Maestro.
  • Move it by hand to where you want it.
  • Launch it.
  • Run a simple Python script.

Hopefully the system will prompt you for new permissions for KM.
