Please help How to copy row Microsoft EXCEL

Here is one solution that is partly automated, and partly manual:

Using this macro you would:

  1. Do 3 manual copies (⌘C) in reverse order (3, 2, 1) of the cells in Excel
  • All 3 will now be on the KM Clipboard History
  1. Manually switch to Safari (⌘⇥) and click in the first field in Safari, and run the "Paste and Pop" macro (I use CTRL-V).
  2. Click/tab to the next field (#2) and CTRL-V
  3. Click/tab to field #3 and CTRL-V

This is a great macro by @DanThomas, which I use many times a day.

If you need to perform your workflow very often, then it will definitely be worth it to further automate. Most likely another Keyboard Maestro user will post a solution for you.