Pop-up dialog box to open a website from a list

@kcwhat has given you a good KM solution.

For this type of use case, I often prefer Launch Bar.

I am a big fan and big user of KM, and I use it many times a day.
But I have found that LB works easiest and best for me in launching apps and opening web sites, and more.
It's easy:

  1. Create a Browser Bookmark (Safari or Chrome) for the web site
  2. Activate LB and start typing the name of the BM.
  3. LB will show you a list of matching sites
  4. For sites that you go to often, you can assign an abbreviation for it. For example, I use "KMF" for this KM Forum.

For a great discussion for comparing various Mac automation tools, see:
Using and Comparing Automation Tools: Keyboard Maestro, Alfred, LaunchBar, etc
Using LaunchBar with Web Sites

Having said all that, if I had a number of web sites that I needed to visit each day, I might use the KM Prompt With List action.
This would be much easier to maintain and add new websites than creating a new Macro for each web site.

It has a feature that allow you to show a friendly prompt that is connected to the actual result when you choose it, like this:
some result you want__You Friendly Prompt

So you could use:
URL__Site Name

as in:
https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/__KM Forum

Like @kcwhat said, KM offers a lot of choices.