In KM 10.0.1
Is there a way to change the height and width of the 'Preferences : Variables' window?
Or is there a different tool used for exposing variable values?
In KM 10.0.1
Is there a way to change the height and width of the 'Preferences : Variables' window?
Or is there a different tool used for exposing variable values?
I don't know of any way to change the size of that pane, but you can also use the Value Inspector to see variables contents in real time. Granted, in some ways it's not as convenient as the Preferences pane since you have to manually type in the variables/tokens etc. that you want to see, but it's very handy either way.
Someone might be able to create a macro that auto-populates the Value Inspector using the values in the %AccessedVariables% token. That might earn someone three claps. It doesn't look too hard.
Hmm, it would probably have to be code that is run from inside the macro in question. I guess that's inconvenient, but it would still work. A person would just have to copy the code into their macro and run in from there.
Well now I know what I’ll be tooling with tomorrow in my free time
Sure. There's no need to give me any credit. I know I helped.
Hey Roy,
Nyet. It's been discussed, and Peter will not make it resizable.
The value inspector window has been mentioned.
If you want more then use BBEdit. The commercial version reverts to a freeware “lite” version after a trial period – it is still very powerful and scriptable.
It's easy to script the display of a variable's contents into a BBEdit document and vice versa. You also get very powerful find/replace.
Ooh - interesting idea, @Sleepy. I've put my first draft here (I thought a separate thread might be neater). Sorry if I'm treading on your toes here @cdthomer - I just fancied the challenge )
Haha no toes have been treaded on. I didn’t even have time to look into this yesterday so thank you for doing so
You can, of course, copy the full set of variable names and values as a key:value JSON dictionary, if you want to paste that into a text editor for inspection:
Copy all KM variable names and values as JSON.kmmacros (2.9 KB)
(() => {
"use strict";
// All KM variable name and values visible
// in JSON format.
// Rob Trew @2021
// Ver 0.1
const main = () => {
variables = Application(
"Keyboard Maestro Engine"
return JSON.stringify(
null, 2
// --------------------- GENERIC ---------------------
// zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
const zip = xs =>
// The paired members of xs and ys, up to
// the length of the shorter of the two lists.
ys => Array.from({
length: Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)
}, (_, i) => [xs[i], ys[i]]);
return main();
Also possible with AppleScript, if you prefer:
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
-- JSON from full set of Keyboard Maestro variables
on run
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
tell variables
set ks to name
set vs to value
end tell
end tell
set json to showJSON(dictFromZip(ks, vs) as record)
set the clipboard to json
end run
-- dictFromZip :: NSArray -> NSArray -> NSDictionary
on dictFromZip(ks, vs)
tell current application
its (NSDictionary's ¬
dictionaryWithObjects:vs forKeys:ks)
end tell
end dictFromZip
-- showJSON :: a -> String
on showJSON(x)
set c to class of x
if (c is list) or (c is record) then
set ca to current application
set {json, e} to ca's NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:x options:1 |error|:(reference)
if json is missing value then
e's localizedDescription() as text
(ca's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:json encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) as text
end if
else if c is date then
"\"" & ((x - (time to GMT)) as «class isot» as string) & ".000Z" & "\""
else if c is text then
"\"" & x & "\""
else if (c is integer or c is real) then
x as text
else if c is class then
x as text
on error
("«" & c as text) & "»"
end try
end if
end showJSON
Oh these are all neat ideas. Thank you