Hi, I have a note in Evernote called !Prayer List. Throughout the week I receive requests to be added to this list from people at church. I would like to have a macro that will launch from any application and prepend that note with the date and the request.
I am brand new to KM and have no Apple script knowledge either.
I would like to copy a name(s) from an SMS or Email.
Paste that name(s) with (a datestamp) at the top of a list I have in Evernote called !Prayer List.
Here is an example of the !Prayer List i have in Evernote…
2016-01-26 4:32 PM
Mr. Hooper
Mike Rowe
2016-01-25 7:12 PM
Mr. Peabody
Oscar the Grouch
2016-01-24 6:12 PM
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
2016-01-24 12:07 PM
Boris Karloff
Earnest Hemmingway
The first, assumes you have the name selected. It will use the Copy action to copy the selection to the clipboard, and then execute a third sub-macro (using the Execute a Macro action) to work on the clipboard.
The second uses the Prompt for User Input action to ask for the name, and then sets the clipboard to that (using the Set Clipboard to Text action) and then executes the same sub-macro.
The third, sub-macro uses the Set Clipboard to Text action to add the date and time and a couple blank lines to the clipboard. After that it is just a matter of pasting it to the start of your !Prayer List Evernote note - I'll leave the Evernote users to answer that part (or search the forum for Evernote for possible answers).
Joseph, I'm working on a KM macro and AppleScript to get this done for you.
As I was laying out the EN Note, some ideas came to mind that I'd like to share with you. I'm happy to use the format you provided, but I wondered if this format would be more useful. See my shared Evernote Note !Prayer List, and let me know what you would prefer. My idea is the table at the top. I show your layout below.
You can even further customize the note if you like, but it is best to do it now. The KM macro I write will be based on the exact format/layout of the Note.
JMichaelTX A simple list works better for me right now. I later go to the list copy it and paste it into the church bulletin and send it out as a text blast at the end of the day.