Printing a Folder of PDFs with specific settings

Greetings KM wizards.

I have about 30 folders of PDF files, each folder has it's own unique print settings. I am seeking for a way to automate the process so I can click it once and the entire "job" prints.

For example:

Job #1

Job #1 prints all the 12 pdf files in Folder A on 12 x 18 duplex, short side on, finishing = 2 staples at center

Job #2

Job #2 prints all 48 files in Folder B on 10 by 13 duplexing on long side


Basically, I don't want to have to set all of the print dialogue settings each time, or even the "use last settings" box.

I've never tried anything so complex in KM, I am using mostly simple Menu Item things.

From what application?

It would be from Preview

When you select multiple files in Finder, and then you right click on one of the files, and then you click on the menu item "Quick Actions", do you see a "Print" item in the submenu? If so, KM could probably take advantage of that to print multiple PDFs "without having to set the print dialog settings each time."

I don't want to print items to test this, so I would ask you to test this. I'm not 100% sure this tip will work. If you can get it to work manually with the mouse using this approach, I think I can talk you through making a macro.

The only way I know of is to print using the lp utility, which allows you to include print settings as options to the command.

There's a good walkthrough showing how to do this with Hazel and watched folders on the Automators web site. And it shouldn't be too difficult to make your own "Execute a Shell Script" action in a macro that processed a file selected in the Finder or "For Each"ed the files in a folder.

The trickiest bit will be working through all the settings and finding their lp option equivalents.