Pro Tools Memory Location Markers Search

For a while now I've been trying to figure out how to search the memory locations in Pro Tools.

Since you're not able to expand the window – and if you have a few hundred location markers – trying to scroll down to find what you're looking for is difficult.

I finally made a KM Macro that will do that for you. Right now I have to make two different ones. Ones to create a folder of the Pro Tools text File and one to search it.

The macro that is called "Pro Tools Location File Create" you just have to do that once in the session that has many location points. Once that's done use the "Pro Tools Mem Locations Search" Macro to search it. I haven't figured out how and where Avid saves that info ( File) that contains the Markers, but when I do will update that and then you wouldn't have to run the first one.

If anyone know where the file or location of the Makers are stored please let know.

The Macros here don't have any hot key triggers on them.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Pro Tools Mem Location search.kmmacros (27.4 KB)
Pr Tools Mem Location File Create.kmmacros (71.7 KB)


I do it a bit different. I use AppleScript to read the text in the memory locations window.

It takes a while for larger sessions. So the macro reads it the first time when the variable does not exist, but the next time it uses the data from the previous time and at the end of the macro it reads the list again to update it.

I made another macro to delete the list stored in a variable "Markerlist" when Pro Tools quits.

Search Memory Location.kmmacros (80.6 KB)

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