Problems with keystrokes in text fields in KM Editor

For some time now, I have had the problem that KM has problems with keystrokes in text fields. The problem has been occurring since the update to macOS 14.

When I try to enter something in text fields or mark something with ⌘+a, KM freezes for about 15 seconds. It doesn't matter if it's a simple text field or editing Apple script code.

Completely deleting all settings and reinstalling did not bring any change. There are no problems with the execution of macros.

For me, my beloved KM is now unusable, as editing macros becomes a dead exercise.


I also noticed that the correct icons in actions seem to be missing.

Here is an example. (after a fresh installation):

I am at a loss!

Hi, for some reason I avoid clicking on unknown links :slight_smile:

I'm sure the clean-shot server is well maintained and defended,
and that they refrain from monetising their incoming click data,
but might it be possible for you to paste the images here inline ?

As described here, I was experiencing a fair amount of beach balling after updating to macOS 14.

Are you a 1Password user by any chance? The problem was solved for me after turning off "Enable spotlight and 3rd party app integrations" in the Advanced section of the settings.