Problems with KM web server?

The question mark is there because I have no reason to assume there is indeed any problem with the KM web server. I am experiencing some problems with it, though. So I thought I might as well ask here.

OK. I'm using an iOS app called MFC Deck. I bought it precisely because the developer said in a podcast that he used it to run KM from his iPad. I had been salivating for a while after I saw somebody using a stream deck to do that but these devices are kind of expensive and I have other priorities for my money right now.

I have seen videos of MFC Deck being used to do this and the developer swears he runs it every day without problems. I believe him. The app is very clever and uses the KM Web Server to send a command to it via wifi when you click on a button you create to trigger the macro remotely.

So, I've used it and it is really wonderful. You can create any number of buttons and arrange them and organize them whichever way you want. It does everything that I wanted the stream deck to do.

Except that many times it simply doesn't. At the beginning I thought I had not configured something properly. That didn't seem to be the case. Then I thought there might be a problem with my wifi. That's not the problem either. I run tests that confirm my wifi is running fine and at high speed.

The KM web server would in principle seem to work fine because if I run the macro from the browser, the macro is executed. When I call it from my iPad, though, some times it runs. Some times it doesn't. Many times it doesn't work when I click the button and I just give up but after a while the macro is executed.

When I activate the Web Server, I see that the default HTTP port is 4490 and then it says that the HTTPS port is 4491. I'm wondering whether this might be part of the problem although I suspect it is not. I've configured MFC deck with both ports and the problems are the same.

It seems clear that the problem must have to do with the communication between the iPad and the computer but I have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. Both the iPad and the iMac are connected to the same local network.

I thought perhaps someone here had experienced similar problems and could lend me a hand. Thanks!


Hi @jfontana, I also use the iOS app MFC Deck to run KM macros on the Mac.
However, I use Siri shortcuts built into MFC Deck with an SSH script (on the network) or via iCloud Drive when I'm not at home.

The Remote Trigger is also not the best choice when it comes to access security:

Please note that the developer's statement (1) is not correct, because the password is not displayed in plain text.


Thanks for your quick answer and for all the information you provide. I'm not really concerned about security. Unless using the remote trigger opens the door for any other possible hacks I'm not aware of, the risks that are involved according to the warning do not really concern me. The macros I trigger are really harmless and the chance that somebody figures the UniqueIDs is almost as remote as the triggers themselves :slight_smile:

What bothers me (and what is really a game stopper) is that they work so unreliably. I posted my message here because I became really frustrated trying to get it to work (as I did many times before). After that I went to have lunch and when I came back, MFC Deck was working perfectly with all the remote triggers I had assigned to its buttons. I have no way to reproduce the error. It comes and goes at random.

Which leads me to ask you about your solution. I used MFC with the remote triggers because there was a nice tutorial that tells you step by step how to do this using this option. Could you point me to some tutorial where I can learn how to do it using Siri and SSH scripts or, even better, via iCloud Drive? I'd really appreciate it as I'm about to give up on MFC.


One more thing.

Today it occurred to me to try to get to the KM web server using Safari on my iPad. Both computers, the desktop and the iPad are connected to the same local network so in principle both should be able to connect to:


Well, no problem if I do it from my desktop Safari but if I try it with Safari on the iPad I get the error:

"Safari cannot open the page because it could not connect to the server"

Is this supposed to happen? If I'm in the same local network, shouldn't I be able to connect to the KM server from my iPad as well?



"localhost" refers to the computer you're running on - in this case your iPad. So in effect you're trying to connect to your iPad!

Instead, enter the network address of your Mac with port 4491 - something like this:


or even the ip address of your mac into Safari on your iPad.

Thanks tiffle! That was a stupid mistake on my part. I should have known that.

So, that rules out wifi connection problems as the culprit. The KM web server works flawlessly every time when I use its web interface from Safari with the right network address.

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