Problems with macro to split markdown link to 1- title 2- URL

I modified a macro created by the excellent @ComplexPoint (How to reverse engineer a markdown link into 2 variables: title and URL - #5 by ComplexPoint) to split a markdown link to 1- title 2- URL into 2 different clipboard clips.

In the end, I only obtain one clip containing the URL. What is missing is a 2nd clipboard clip containing the title.

thank you very much

Convert Split Clipboard Markdown Link to Title and URL.kmmacros (5.2 KB)

You're getting the clipboard seed. You then set the clipboard -- which changes the seed. Your pause doesn't pause because the values aren't equal, and the clipboard is instantly overwritten with the value of local_URL.

Remember that the clipboard seed changes when you set the clipboard to something different, not when you paste -- you can't use it as an "I have pasted that value, now move on" step (which is what I assume you are trying to do).

I took out the get clipboard seed and inserted a pause, and all it fine. thanks very much !