Am I correct that the standard "Prompt for File" action doesn't support selecting multiple files? Assuming I'm correct, @peternlewis, it would be a nice feature.
And I have a solution right now, using JXA, but I just thought it'd be nice for this to be a standard feature.
Hello Dan,
I have multiple current files that I am currently working on.
In reference to your question, would you know if there is any way to create a macro which would:
display a a checklist listing my current files
allow me to select more than one of those files
open the selected files
I am just asking because you mentioned that you had a solution.
thanks in advance for your time and help
Wow !! a superb macro !!! works perfectly. thank you so much.
I am now working on a variant to open desktop (not online) evernote notes and Scrivener docs links which:
have to be open with a browser like Chrome which is no problem.
I must find another way to input / display the notes and docs because the links do not contain a recognizable name.
With Files, thanks to your regex, you can extract the name.
With Scrivener I can clean up the link and extract the document name.
With Evernote notes the path does not contain any recognizable name.
Example: this is the link to the Evernote note which contains this discussion.
In the case of Scrivener and Evernote, I will have to create a 'one open document/note per macro' conflict sub palette
Has this feature made it to release yet? I am currently running the latest 9.2 build, but only seem to be able to select a single file using the 'Prompt for File' action.