Prompt for User Input Action and Popup Field

If I create a popup field with a number of choices - As far I can see I am limited to those choices it is not possible to override them and enter some different text.

For example in the following I have added the choices 0,1,2,3,5,10 but if I wished to add a 8 I could do so / Typinator, for example, allow you to have a list of items but also to add 'free text'.

Is it possible to do what I would like with Keyboard Maestro in a Prompt for User Input Action?

Prompt for User Input.kmactions (838 B)

It’s not possible yet as far as I can see. This could be a feature request. @peternlewis

You may use an extra field, empty by default. Then use an if-then action: if you type something in this field, then set “vTest” to this input value.

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No, it is either a menu or a choice, not both.

What you could do is something like:

  • vTest: 0|1|2|3|5|10
  • vTest Override:

And then the macro does something like:

if variable vTest Override is not empty
set variable vTest to vTest Override

Hey Victor,

I think I'd probably go for @martin's idea here for speed and simplicity, but you could also do something like this.


Test User Prompt v1.00.kmmacros (7.0 KB)

Thank you all for the suggestions.

Hey Victor,

After seeing your Typinator "macro" and thinking about this a bit, I've changed my mind about how I'd do the job.

With this macro you don't have to move your hands from the main keyboard at all.

N ⇢ Scrolls down.
P ⇢ Scrolls up.

Type-Select works.

[Other] provides a prompt for freeform entry and is very fast to activate.


This method is my preference, but YMMV of course...  :sunglasses:


Pick List With Override v1.0.kmmacros (8.1 KB)