Prompt for User Input Action (v11.0.3)

This macro has worked great using Microsoft Word. I have been trying to modify it for use in Apple Pages. I have these variables set up. ?Title to be replaced with the title I type in for the lesson. ?sdat to be replaced with the date. I also have a ?series for when the lesson is apart of a series I am conducting. What do I need to change to get it to run in Pages or even Open Office?
You input is very much appreciated.

Prompt for User Input Action (v11.0.3)

Prompt for User Input.kmactions (1.2 KB)

Keyboard Maestro Export

I think my problem is getting The document selected, highlighted, so I can get the find and replace to work. Not sure how to get it to execute a run (command and A) Then a (shift Command and A) when it finishes running.

Nothing -- that action is fine.

But you'll need to change other parts of your macro to match the requirements of Pages instead of Word. Post your entire macro and someone might be able to help.

I thought I posted the entire macro?

Pages Sermon Outline Title.kmmacros (5.4 KB)