Questions About Working With Stream Deck and KM

Oh you mean the one I posted.

Press Escape or...

Prompt-Close Prompt.kmmacros (24 KB)

Macro screenshot

This detects whether a prompt is already shown. If it is, then triggering the macro again will close the existing prompt. If it's not, then the prompt will be shown.

Good clarification. :+1:t2:

Some fields in the SD app don't input a new line when you press just , but hitting ⌥↩ does insert a new line. Also a design flaw IMHO.

Not an issue with the title field though, at least not here.

thanks very much. Can I integrate this macro into the prompt for list macro so that if I press the prompt for list button once it will display list and if a second time, the list will disappear.

I am surprised that escape works for you when the prompt list is displayed via the SD

Post a macro that uses Prompt With List, and I'll add adjust it to work so you get the idea.

Why wouldn't it? One thing to bear in mind is that if you've used the all: feature in the list prompt, you'll have to hit Esc twice.

all is clear now. I had not seen something in the macro. Thanks very much for your patience

Do you know if there is anywhere in KM that I can see a list of macros with their frequency of use. This would allow me to decide which macros to make most accessible in the SD ?

I asked the question above which you may have missed
Is there any alternative to scrolling down my long list of macros to attach a SD button to a macro ? I don't see a search box.?

thank you

do you have or are you buying a Stream Deck ?

The most recently edited macro is always at the top. Aside from that, you can also type the name of the macro to jump to it. Of course, if you have a number of similarly named macros in different groups, you might have to type quite a few characters to refine it.

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great ! thanks very much

hello @noisneil @cdthomer @hello

The simplest way that I found to activate the Stream Deck app is with ... the Stream Deck itself.

I was wondering if

  • for file, apps and web sites, do you go through a KM macro or simply directly with the SD System Plugin

  • I use the KM Link plugin. Apart from the KM Native Icon issue, do you recommend any other plugins ?

  • do you recommend a SD icon library in particular ? I am most interested in pictograms that can serve as substitute for text, no pretty pictures.

thanks again


I mostly use Alfred for that kind of thing but for opening single items, I would just use the SD's own functions.

Depends what you want to do. Peruse the available ones and see if any get your automation Spider Senses tingling.

I generally do a Google image search for relevant icons, then edit them in Photoshop. Have you checked out the built in icon library?

thanks very much. The built in library seems quite small. Not even an Email icon (I wanted to install Mail)

Might be worth having a skim through these packs too.


that's what I was just doing. not simple. A lot of junk. thank you

How about something from here?

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great find. thank you

I almost always go through Keyboard Maestro because those same files, apps and websites I want to use through Keyboard Maestro without my Stream Deck, like as subroutines or independent macros on my MacBook.

The only other plugin I use extensively is the one for OBS. I use it multiple times a week for Zoom meetings.

Personally I bought and use this app a LOT... not just for the Stream Deck either.


Font Awesome and Material Design icons are my usual go-to libraries:

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Thank you. I am still on Catalina and can't install Button Creator. I wanted to install Monterey many times but every time there is a Monterey glitch that stops me, lately the fact that so many users are enraged about problems with Dropbox from what I read. Do you have an opinion on Monterey at this point ?

I am extremely happy with the Stream Deck except for all the work required to attach a KM Macro to a button.

I use KM Link and have a zillion macros.

I basically have 2 issues

1- when you are creating a new button and click on downward caret (see snapshot) , there is no search box. Yes you can type a few words in the macro, but so many macros have similar words in them. The problem is - what if the first found item is not the one you are searching for, how do you go to the next match like you do with the find command (next) ? Scrolling down a huge list of macros for each button makes no sense.

2- once you find the right macro, it will often not run. My KM is setup to that I have a master palette with about 40 sub-palettes. If I install a macro from the subpalette into a SD button, it will not run because those macros are only active if the subpalette is - Available in all applications, - Available in all windows and - Always activated. I can't have those subpalettes always active in all apps because the macros have hot key triggers and I would not longer be able to type

I looked at the differente KM triggers and did not find a Stream Deck trigger.
So I end up having to create a Stream Deck macro group in which I put macro whose sole task is to execute macros in those subpalettes (90% of my macros).

thank you Chris @cdthomer
