Redesigned: Quickly Create an Auto-Correction Expansion With Typinator (Using Aspell and Typinator's AppleScript dictionary)

This an update version from my old Using Medical Terms expansion It features more medical words and the rest is the same.

It basically uses the same v5.6.0 macro of our best friend @cdthomer and changes Spanish to medical dictionary.

New Medical.kmmacros (149.6 KB)

What you need extra is:

1- Hunspell (by downloading from Hombrew)
2- Medical Dictionary (You can download it from here (625.5 KB))

1- unzip the dictionary file and put its contents in /Users/"your user name"/Library/Spelling


2- Edit Spanish script in the macro


And that’s it

CleanShot 2024-01-09 at 15.59.02

Don't forget to read the author @cdthomer comments and make the other necessary edits

Finally special Thanks to @cdthomer for this amazing macro

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