Reformat a List of Words

I am having trouble understanding why a simple macro I wrote just seems to not work. I am feeding it a list of words that I want reformatted into a comma-separated line. The problem is sometimes the words are separated by more than one comma and sometimes whitespace.

Here's the simple macro:

In the second Execute Shell Script, I have tried all of the following (and more) yet the return of both the before and after are always the same. It's like the macro simply skips this command. I have also tried to place five-second pauses everywhere. Nothing helps.

sed 's/,\s*,/,/g'
sed 's/,\s*,/,/g; s/,\+/,/g'
sed 's/,\s\+/,/g'
tr -s ','
tr -s ',' | sed 's/,\s*/,/g'
awk '{gsub(/,\s*/, ","); gsub(/,+/ , ",")} 1'
sed 's/,\s\+/,/g; s/,\+/,/g'

Here's the macro:
Change Vertical Word List to Comma Separated Line.kmmacros (6.1 KB)

I have troubles with regex, so I created a simpler solution for you that reformats the first two parameters into comma separated parameters. If this isn't what you want, tell me what's wrong with it and I can probably fix it.


Thanx, Airy... That's great. The problem is sometimes the duplicated commas are between different words and sometimes there are a different number of words, although always less than ten.

I'm not sure I completely understand the request, but here's how I interpreted it:

Take the provided text, and remove anything that's not a character, leaving just words separated by commas on one line.

If that's correct, then this seems to work:

Vertical Words to Horizontal Line.kmmacros (4.2 KB)

The first regex replaces any set of one or more non-characters with a comma. The second regex trims any commas that were added at the start or end of the line due to the first regex.

Is that what you're trying to get to?


I'm sorry I missed that point. Your example text didn't include any commas, which is probably why I missed that. But I think that's easy to fix.

Results in:

2, Snow Man Frosty
3, Ice
4, Rain

That sounds more like what you want.

My apologies for not being very clear. I should have sent a better example. Also, I sent the wrong macro. I guess I was in too much of a hurry.

Regardless, I think I can use Rob's response... I didn't even think about using Regular Expression.

So that you know, this below is what I was having trouble with:

Input would be something like this:

Snow,    ,    Rain,    Ice,    thunder,
Snow,    ,    Rain,    Ice,,   thunder,
Snow,  , ,    Rain,    Ice,    thunder,,

and I wanted to get it like this:

Snow, Rain, Ice, thunder
Snow, Rain, Ice, thunder
Snow, Rain, Ice, thunder

I just had to change Rob's ^,?[.?]$ to ^,?$ and I got there.

Thanx to both of you.

If you're happy, I'm happy, but for future consideration, the command that would work using shell commands is:

tr ',' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' ',' | sed 's/,$//;s/,/, /g'

It replaces all commas with spaces. Then squishes all spaces to a single space. Then replaces all spaces with commas. Then removes all trailing commas and also adds a space after each comma.

Like regex, shell commands have been around a long time and are very powerful.

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Thanx Airy. I already did something similar, but yours is much cleaner and better. I appreciate the lesson.

And, of course, splits and filters etc can also ease the burden of regular expressions, if you have a scripting language to hand:

Here, for example, we may only need \W+ for word delimiters.

Normalised rows of comma-separated words.kmmacros (2.3 KB)

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