Relatve vs. Absolute Click and Move
Experimental Macro copy.kmmacros (2.0 KB)
I'm puzzled when I set up an action to "move and click" in a front screen or main window relative to a corner of the screen or window. The pointer goes where I expect it to inside the window or screen using the Get and Go commands. But if the screen or window moves and I execute the action again, the pointer goes to the same spot, as though I had set up the action with "absolute position" instead of the relative position for the screen or window. The coordinates are in fact the same as if I had set the action up with absolute position.
How, short of nailing a screen or window to a permanent place on my computer screen, can I make the relative options work, relatively rather than absolutely?
Absolute is absolute that means it is related to your screen size
Relative is relative to upfront window at the time that macro
Is running