Rename Files in the Finder With Sorting From a Spreadsheet

If you have a set of mappings from one file name to the other file name then you can write a macro to rename files that does not need any AppleScript.

If I had it in a spread sheet, I would probably just copy it from there and paster it in to a Set Variable to Text action at the start of the macro.

Presuming the copied data was of the form:


Then you can do a fairly simple process of:

Note: You really want to have a good backup of your whole Mac before doing anything like this, and typically I would duplicate or archive the folder before starting to ensure I could easily undo any mess the macro makes.

If any file in the folder may have regex special characters, then you will want to use a For Each Lines In collection to iterate through the lines in the Mapping, and then extract the source and dest using a Search action with regex (?m)^(.+)\t(.+) and then compare the resulting source to the file name.