Running multiple macros while retaining macro name for use in logging

We use KM for automation tests on mac, each macro is a test case and we currently use two macros at the start and end of each test which amends a text file with "%Executing Macro%: Executing" then depending on the outcome "%Executing Macro%: Failed/Succeeded". However this means we have to run every test individually because if I try to group them together within another macro using multiple Execute Macro actions that become the executing macro and we can no longer tell from our logging which tests are passing or failing.

Is there any way around this? Perhaps one of the other built-in variables or a different action I think I've seen a Trigger Macro action as well. Thanks.

Hello Daniel (@DanQA) :wave:

If I understand you correctly you have issues getting information from SubMacros on failure or success…

I encourage you to use %ExecutingThisMacro% & %ExecutingThisMacroUUID% in all Macros if you want to get the information correctly…

%ExecutingMacro% & %ExecutingMacroUUID% used in SubMacros or Subroutines (KM10+) are referring to the calling Main Macro.

Hope you found this information useful.

Have a great day.

Greetings from Germany :de:
