Safari field won't take dictation. Can Keyboard Maestro help?

More often than I like, I come to a field on a web page that won't take my voice control dictation. Next to the cursor, there's a little red insert cursor icon with a slash mark through it.

Could Keyboard Maestrohelp with this? I was thinking maybe putting the dictation into a Drafts note (or even just onto the clipboard) and then copying and pasting it into the field. Pasting usually works on these fields.

Before I start building something myself, comma, has anyone seen a macro like this?

I see from your "comma" that you are using dictation to type this message, hehe. That's cute.

I've seen the red icon before. I've never really understood why it appears.

I've used KM to obtain and use dictated text before. What I do is have a macOS Shortcut that looks like this:

Then I have a KM macro that calls it and uses the results. Try the following macro. It works for me, but I can't replicate your red icon right now. But try these two things and let me know if it solves the problem. You can change the trigger if you don't like my hotkey.

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Yes, I was dictating, and trying Superwhisper, which doesn't require you to speak punctuation. That's a habit that will be hard to break! I may need to make a macro that deletes punctuation words when using Superwhisper. :slight_smile:

So, I tried your shortcut/macro combination, but for some reason the dictated text is not getting put on the clipboard. As a test, I just copied some text from a webpage to get it on the clipboard, and when I ran the macro it pasted that text instead of what I had just dictated.

Does the "stop and output" action output to the clipboard automatically?


No, it's the KM macro that puts the data into the clipboard. Please double check that your macro matches mine exactly. I suspect that's where your problem is.

Sorry, I have to run off to a breakfast.

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At your suggestion, I took another look and saw that I had missed the open quote save results to a clipboard setting.

All is good now, though I may try inserting by typing, since sometimes web fields won't let you paste into them.

Thanks again!

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