Safe backup of KM 8.2 backing up this one folder only?

For KM Ver 8:

Will this folder: /Users/saimen/Library/Application Support/Keyboard Maestro,

backup ALL from Keyboard Maestro, even the states of the macro (being enabled or disabled), the named clipboards etcetera, there is nothing left out here right?

Largely correct. There are also some settings in the ~/Library/Preferences/com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.* files. These tend to be things like window positions and preference settings (most of the stuff in the Keyboard Maestro Preferences lives there, excluding Variables and Named Clipboards which are in the Application Support folder.


I think we are referring to the excact same folder?
The content which includes all I need to backup everything is this folder (screen copy)? There are no other files or folders neeeded?

Yes, “~” is the location of your home directory, in your case it is equivalent to “/Users/saimen”.

Other than the preference files I mentioned, that is correct.

Remember that you must quit Keyboard Maestro and Keyboard Maestro Engine before restoring any of these files, and you must ensure the ownership and permissions are correct on the restored files and folders.

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Sorry I am a bit confused.
We are referring to the same folder and are those are identical pahts as far as I understand you.
Are the "the preference files I mentioned" (you mentioned), outside of this folder? Another location?

Where if anywere else?

Sorry, there are also these preference files:


These tend to be things like window positions and preference settings (most of the stuff in the Keyboard Maestro Preferences lives there, excluding Variables and Named Clipboards which are in the Application Support folder).

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These 3 then?KM_3%20Preferences

@KM_Fan_1968, for your benefit, and anyone else who needs this info, it is all provided here:

How do I backup / transfer my installation to another Mac? -- KM Wiki

How do I backup / transfer my installation to another Mac?
If you are going to continue using both Macs, you should use Macro Syncing rather than transferring your information. And indeed you can use Macro Syncing to transfer to a new Mac (even if both Macs wont be on at the same time as long as you preserve the sync file).

==To transfer all your information to a new Mac==
you can copy the
~/Library/Application Support/Keyboard Maestro
folder and optionally the
files to your new Mac. You can get to ~/Library in the Finder by holding down the shift (or option) key and selecting Library from the Go menu.

Make sure that Keyboard Maestro and Keyboard Maestro Engine are not running on the source or target Mac when you transfer the folder. And make sure the resulting files and folders have the correct ownership and permissions.

If you copy the com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.* files, ==the new Mac will have the same MacUUID token and be considered the same Mac for syncing purposes, so you should not do this if you intend to continue using the old Mac.==

Alternatively, to just transfer the macros, you can turn on Macro Syncing and save the macro sync file anywhere. Transfer it to the new Mac, install Keyboard Maestro as normal, and then turn on macro syncing and select the transferred file to replace your macros. Then turn off macro syncing. This will transfer just the macros, not any settings, variables, or clipboards or the like.

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Peter, I seem to have a number of files here with "Zero bytes".
What are these? Should I delete them?

I believe all those .plist.randomcharacter files are part of the OS “safe save” system (the system handles accessing these files, fo Keyboard Maestro never accesses them directly). Apparently the system does not always clean up after itself.

It's hard to find anything on the net about them since its not clear what to search for (I did find an Apple forum post with someone concerned about their existence, but it didn't provide any further enlightenment).

I have about 20 of them in my ~/Library/Preferences folder (none for Keyboard Maestro but I have seen them before). They appear for all sorts of applications, including the Dock and the Finder, Spaces and Text Replacement and others. Some of them date back to 2013, so they definitely don't get auto-cleaned up by the system, ever.

I would assume you can safely delete them. I just deleted mine.

Yes, those three, but read @JMichaelTX’s post (and yes, really I should just have pointed at the user manual in the first place).

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