Save/clip URLs for reading/sharing later **UPDATED-BUG FIX** v1.1

[Update: Fixed a typo resulting in failure to display date properly]

I used to subscribe to a variety of URL clipping services/apps like Instapaper, Goodlinks, and Pocket to save articles from the web that I didn't have time to read at the moment, or that I wanted to share with others later when I had time. These services advertised streamlined GUI, tag and sometimes text search, other amenities. However, I became frustrated with each one for various reasons - e.g., poor search algorithm, memory-hogging especially on iOS, and I tired of the subscription fees.

I decided to make a simple URL clipper that sends a markdown link for the frontmost URL to a plaintext file, e.g., "READ-SHARE LATER.txt." Inputs can include text (e.g., pull-quote from article) and @tags. Designed for rapid capture, the macro assumes that Safari is running and the URL you want to clip is frontmost.

The markdown format of the note body anticipates that the note will be viewed in the Marked 2 plaintext markdown previewer. (On my computer, Marked 2 is the default app for opening plaintext files). On iOS, I use 1Writer to view the file, which I keep in Dropbox.

When viewed in Marked 2, links are live. On 1Writer, the links are live and can be long pressed to access the share sheet.


READ-SHARE LATER v1-1.kmmacros (39.6 KB)

How text file looks displayed via Marked 2:


Displayed via 1Writer on iOS:


Thanks! Love the idea, but unfortunately, this is all I see (no link)


KM Save URL's for Later

[Not Running](Not Running)

Any ideas?

"Not running" suggests Safari was not running when you executed the macro?

Love it! But why is the variable Local_date not displayed properly?

You found a bug! Sorry! I fixed it and updated the post. Thanks!

Wow! Thanks for your prompt reply and improvement!! And I also found a good markdown previewer Marked via your post:)

Of course. Did that fix the issue for you?

Yes. Now the marco works well. Thanks again! :beer:

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