Thans for @gglick for his comment on my [RTF to Latex converter] (RTF to Latex converter), I am now encourage to post my other useful macro. As an academic, this is another routine that I use to simplify my workflow.
The purpose is to collect references from the table of contents of a PDF book. First, I you need to have the reference data of the book in Jabref. it must contain a citation key.
09: scrapping references from Table of contents.kmmacros (20.6 KB)
Select the Book references in Jabref and hit CNTR+C to send the CiteKey of the book to a named clipboard: Copy to Key.kmmacros (4.6 KB). This macro does a little processing of the extracting the year from the citation key: and keep both the citation key and the year in separate named clipboards (called Key and RefYear).
Open the PDF and start to copy the Title, Author and Page of the reference: in that order: Title-->Author-->Page. Copy a maximum of 8 references (= 23 clipboards).
Hit CMD+ALT+9 (activates Jabref and asks for input).
insert the number of references copied (1-8)
The macro inserts the references as in-collection: crossrefing them to the book. CrossREf is what links the incollections to the parent book. The page numbers are calculated.
It is a highly error prone macro. I would appreciate if somebody can improve it.