please i don't understand
why it don't work
i try to screen shoot every 1 second
Hi @ghy76df455DFR, here is an AppleScript that will take you a screenshot every second.
You just have to adjust the location for the folder for you:
Screenshot with Folderr : 1 Sec. <2636 210810T090407>.kmmacros (1,9 KB)
What isn't working?
Is the screenshot being captured into the Named Clipboard (you can check this in the Keyboard Maestro Clipboards Preferences).
thank you
its work amazing
if i will change this code :
do shell script ("screencapture " & dFolder & "frame-" & i & ".png")
to .jpg"
it will take less space every screenshot ?
basically the question is
how i screenshot in your code
more lower size for ever screenshot
There is no way to know which format (jpg or png) is better because that depends upon what is being compressed. Some images compress better using jpg, while some compress better using jpg. What you need to do is take some screenshots and measure how big the files are in each format, then decide which format is better for you.
For more information on the macOS command "screencapture" with its parameters, you can visit this page:
You can also get a good description of your problem by going here: