Seach subfolders

Hi all,

This might be a basic question. But I’m creating a macro that moves folder/files with a specific name from a specific folder.

How do I tell Keyboard Maestro to not only search the folder itself, but also search subfolders and their subfolders?

Hey Martin,

Actually that's not quite as basic a question as it seems, so don't feel bad for having to ask.

Here's how I'd do it with KM;

Find and Copy Files { Recursive }.kmmacros (3.1 KB)

Matches means match with a regular expression. If you'll be more specific about what you're trying to find I'll write you a regex to do the job.

To perform this task you can also use the shell, AppleScript, or a combination of the two.

Best Regards,

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Fantastic. Thanks for a quick replay.

Is there also a way to keep the folder structure? instead of only moving the files itself?

Hey Martin,

Yes, but you can't do this easily with Keyboard Maestro. The easiest way is probably to use the shell and rsync.

Best Regards,

Fair enough. Thx anyway!