Search For Specific Text in a PDF File

The Keyboard Maestro macro Textcavator 2021 does that, Riccardo.

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Hey Riccardo,

You posted two Text files and No PDF files.

I need an example PDF file.


My bad, this should be the exact one (33.5 KB)

This AppleScript will return the text content of a given PDF file whose path you supply:

use framework "PDFKit"
use scripting additions

property this : a reference to current application

property NSString : a reference to NSString of this
property NSURL : a reference to NSURL of this
property PDFDocument : a reference to PDFDocument of this

on pdfText from pdf_filepath as text
		set pdf_pages to {}
		tell PDFDocument's alloc()
				initWithURL_(fileURLWithPath_((NSString's ¬
						stringWithString:pdf_filepath)'s ¬
						stringByStandardizingPath()) of NSURL)
				repeat with i from 0 to the pageCount() - 1
						set end of pdf_pages to the |string|() ¬
								of the pageAtIndex_(i) as text
				end repeat
		end tell
		return the pdf_pages
end pdfText

get pdfText from "/Users/CK/Downloads/Under_15_Gold.pdf"

It grabs the text verbatim, going from left-to-right, and top-to-bottom through each text object.

The result is a list, each item containing the text from an individual page in order. I’ll leave the parsing to you to isolate the bits you need versus the stuff you don’t,

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Hey @CJK,

“PDFKit” blows up in my face.

Can’t get framework "PDFKit".


Was that added after Mojave?

I do have a working solution for Mojave that uses WebKit and Quartz instead.


Hey @Rick_4,

Okay, extracting text from the PDF works as expected.

Unfortunately @CJK's AppleScriptObjC method produces garbled text that's really hard to work with, but fortunately there's a tool available with a switch that maintains the original document layout as much as possible.

Download the 64-bit Xpdf tools from here:


Install the items from the bin64 folder in the archive to this folder:


In a Finder window G will open a field for you to paste the path and go there.

Install the items from the doc folder of the archive to:


Create the folders if you have to.

Once you've accomplished this we'll move forward.


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Hi @ccstone,

Thanks you so much.

Installation done, ready to follow you forward.


Open the Keyboard Maestro Editor's Preferences and create a variable named:


Place this path string in it:


Download and install BBEdit.

If you don't own it already it will be fully featured during the 30 day demo period and then revert the the freeware “lite” version. The lite version is still very powerful and scriptable.

I use it for programming and for viewing plain text documents.

We'll use BBEdit later.

In the meantime try this macro.


Extract Text from the Selected PDF File in the Finder v1.00.kmmacros (7.0 KB)
Keyboard Maestro Export

Hey @ccstone ,

The Macro works perfectly... it prints the text Pdf , so right now i suppose BBEdit will exclude the numbers and the rest of the string after the '-'.

Thanks a lot for your help, really appreciated.

Hey @Rick_4,

Alright – try this one.

Then show me by example what is missing and/or what needs to be changed.

Also – what is the ultimate destination for the extracted text?


Extract Text from the Selected PDF File in the Finder v1.01 @Working.kmmacros (7.2 KB)


Keyboard Maestro Export

This one works perfectly. The final destination of the file is the same folder of the selected PDF file, and the PDF file should be deleted.

Hey @Rick_4,

Okay, try v1.02.


Extract Text from the Selected PDF File in the Finder v1.02.kmmacros (13 KB)


Hey @ccstone,

I've tried your Macro many times and works perfectly, thank you very much.

But now, I'm trying to script also the line "Girone: Girone something" in order to create a new txt file with name "name of the current document + _Gironesomething".

Here' s my attempt to script Girone something :

Match_Gironi.kmmacros (1.9 KB)

Thank you in advance,


Hey Rick,

What's your starting point?

Are you starting with your example PDF file?

You're not give me a very solid picture of your current process.


Hey Chris,

Sorry for my poor explanation,

Take as an example the PDF file I've posted. From this, I'm using the Macro you posted (Extract Text from the Selected PDF File in the Finder v1.02), to execute the shell Script.

So from this kind of PDF file i would like to create a new txt file like this:

Example using the above PDF file:

Name = name of the currrent document + _GironeA
Content =

Name = name of the currrent document + _GironeB
Content =

(I've wrote just the name of the first 3 teams for simplicity)

Hope I've been more clear,


So you want to break up the PDF into individual text files containing each group's information and named for the original document plus the group name – yes?

Just like with the previous task – you need to post the actual PDF files for testing.



I've posted a JPG version of the actcual PDF file because i can't post the PDF file version.

Why not?

It gives me back an error, it's not a supported format.
Here's the ZIP: (14.5 KB)

Right – that's why you zipped the original PDF sample.  :sunglasses:
