Seemingly Simple Finder Macro – Can't Figure It

All I want to do is "Show Search Criteria" in a Finder Window. Two things have eluded me--both seem embarrassingly simple!

  1. It's not a menu item. I had it working on the Finder window--until, of course, I changed the size--then it misses. How do I select it.
  2. Also, I don't see how to select it ONLY if it wasn't already selected!
    Sorry for my ignorance. All help appreciated.

How did you have it working? UI Scripting?

Hey Douglass,

You need to be a bit more specific.

F brings this up on my macOS 10.12.6 Sierra system and on my 10.14.6 Mojave system.


Give us some more details, and we'll be able to help.


Yes, thank you for responding.

I saved several "folders" with specific search criteria. Then I wrote KM script to open each, BUT I like to view and possible edit the search criteria. That is what generated my questions. Many times it works. However,

  1. Selecting "Show/Hide Search Criteria" not a menu item in the Finder main menu bar (two bar on the screen that is). Only in the window itself.. I had it working on the Finder window--until, of course, I changed the size of the window--then KM misses because I think I could only choose relative to the coordinates of the corner? How do I select it reliably?
  2. Also, I don't see how to select it ONLY if it wasn't already selected! OR check what it says (Hide or Show)?

Sorry for my ignorance. All help appreciated.


Hey Doug,

Okay, this one isn't too hard to accomplish.

Make sure you have the Actions button in your Finder toolbar.


  • Load up the appended macro in Keyboard Maestro.

  • Take a new screenshot on your system of the button.

  • Paste it into the image well of the Click-At-[Found Image] ( action.

  • Run the macro.

Personally I would use AppleScript and System Events, but that get's complicated – especially across system versions and individual customizations in the Finder.

This method will probably work well enough for you.


Finder ⇢ Show Search Critera ⇢ Click Action Menu.kmmacros (19 KB)

Wow...didn't even know about "Find images"--very powerful (when necessary!). THANKS so much. Working GREAT.