Select file after copying

  1. Select the file in one finder window
  2. Copy file to another finder window

=> I need this file to be selected in the second finder windows after copying finishes.

You can use the Reveal a File action for that.


Thanks but I am not sure how exactly to do that. Also, will it work for a few files?

This should be quite simple with Keyboard Maestro. One question - how are you choosing the folder to copy to?

  1. Select a file in Finder.
  2. Copy/Move it to another location - but how are you selecting the location to copy/move to? From a list of destination folders? Always to the same folder?

And do you want to copy the file or move it (i.e. delete the original)?

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Here is the macro. And I have two different macros for moving and copying.

Using a script shared by @unlocked2412 in the thread Reveal multiple files in Finder, something like this might work for you:

Copy files to next finder window- select files at destination.kmmacros (20 KB)

EDIT: Made a slight adjustment to the uploaded macro


This one works. Thank you!

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How to make your macro work if change copy/ paste commands to this?

I believe it should look something like this:

Copy files to next finder window- select files at destination v0.3.kmmacros (19 KB)

Macro image

EDIT: I see now that this would not work, I’ll update my macro to something I again believe should work once I am home by my computer in an hour.
EDIT2: Sorry for first uploading an untested and non-working makro, I was in a bit of a hurry when uploading it. The one I've uploaded now works, at least here on my system (of course only if i define a path to the FilePath-variable though)

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Here's another way of doing what OP wants -- it'll grab the target of the second Finder window, do the copy, then select the just-moved files using an easy-to-read whose clause:

Copy Selection to Next Finder Window, Select Result.kmmacros (18.3 KB)
