I am a big fan and user of the Sort/Selection functions to get the most recently added or modified file within a path or Finder selection, and I was wondering if it is possible to open and select 10 (or whatever number) of the most recently added files within a specific path? I only know how to get it to upon and select the first most recently added/modified file
Sorry, I meant to open the path they are located at, and select them within finder (so I can drag and drop them into the browser of somewhere else if need be).
@Tom, I really like your Macro. I have an AppleScript that will do this, but in this case the ASObjC is so complex it turns out that using KM is shorter and simpler.
Well done!
Just one little glitch: I believe that your macro returns the 10 Added the LONGEST AGO files, rather than the 10 MOST RECENT files: