Hi all,
I'm completely new to KM and about evaluating if this application may help me with the following:
I have this Applescript, which should repeat once a second:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Pro Tools"
set listOfSelTracks to value of attribute "AXIndex" of ¬
(rows whose value of attribute "AXSelected" is true) of table "Track List" of ¬
(windows whose name contains "Edit: ") of ¬
application process "Pro Tools" of application "System Events"
return listOfSelTracks
end tell
end tell
This returns an array of integers, for example {{2,4,9}}. The size of the array will vary. The integers will be something between 0 and 127.
Now I would like to send those integers one by one as a Midi Note On command.
My questions: is it possible to store the integers of the array as a KM variable and how can I use those variables to create a Midi message?
Thank you for your help.