any suggestions how I could paste my Clipboard to a established Microsoft Remote Desktop Session with the Remote Desktop Client from Microsoft.
it just do not paste the clipboard it looks like it swallow the keys cmd or ctrl completely and just add the Character V
haven't found an solution, because I am new to keyboard maestro it is annoying to stuck with such easy tasks, the program (KeyboardMaestro) itself is incredible
The first thing I'm wondering is whether that Microsoft app uses CTRL-V or CMD-V. (The online documentation says "To perform actions that use the Command button on the Mac, you will need to use the control button in Windows (for example Copy = Ctrl+C).") So maybe you need to use CTRL.
The second thing I'm wondering is does this work when you use the keyboard to press the keys? If not, then the problem may be with the app, not with KM.
thanks for the reply.
you can use both ctrl+v or cmd+v with the physical keyboard both actions performs a paste operation.
When i use the Jump remote desktop client the macro just works as aspected cmd + v will past my clipboard into the Windows box. (Jump RDC is about an additional 35-40$ to spend )
That's good news, because it means we have a chance to fix it. The first thing I would do is put a 2 second pause between your two statements. That would check if the app requires extra time before it will accept your keystroke. There are some apps that are like that. If that doesn't fix your problem we have to think some more.
tried this workaround without success 2 seconds also is in my opinion much to long for such an operation.
the microsoft remote desktop client is free and the jump desktop has a trial for testing purposes you need just a windows box where you can connect to. Also you need KM as well
Yes, you are correct that 2 seconds is too long, but 0.1 seconds is too short for a reliable test. This was only a test. The "two seconds" is what is required for a reliable test. Once the test is concluded we can refine it to work as fast as possible. I have seen apps where 1.0 seconds isn't enough time for them to wake up, which is why I requested you do a 2 second test.
When you tried this workaround, what was the time you used? 2 seconds? It wasn't crystal clear because you only said "I tried this workaround."
Can you post the code please? You see, there are many different ways to do what you say you are doing. Rather than have me list all the different ways and then have you tell me which way you are using, can you just post your code to save time?