Set Firefox URL?

As far as I know, the set front browser URL is not supported in Firefox. Are there any plans to add support for this in the future? @peternlewis

⌘L gives the URL field focus in Firefox, I think,
so it may be worth experimenting with KM automation of

  • set focus to url field
  • enter url string

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I can confirm Cmd+L gets the focus on the URL bar In Firefox and also selects all the text in it. Then you can paste or type over. (I do this all the time as Firefox is my primary browser.)

Cmd+T will create a new tab and I don’t think you need Cmd+L after that. Maybe just a tiny pause.

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I currently have an automation like this. It would generally be very nice to have native support for the browser options, though. For example, I haven't found a way to recreate opening a new chrome window from any app in the current desktop. Also, "wait for chrome to finish loading" is another useful action that I don't know how to replicate.

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Firefox does not have any AppleScript support, so Keyboard Maestro cannot support it directly, only UI control is possible along the lines of what @ComplexPoint showed.

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Understandable, I'll make do!