Set Icon Size Of A Finder Window

I come across this @ccstone post:

I need a little help with my script:

tell application "Finder"
	set cwd to POSIX file "/tmp/"
	set win01 to make new Finder window
	tell win01
		set bounds to {0, 23, 200, 400}
		set its current view to icon view
		set its icon size of icon view options to 256
		set its arrangement of icon view options to arranged by name
		if its toolbar visible ≠ false then set toolbar visible to false
		set its target to cwd
	end tell
end tell

My problem: I can’t set the icon size an the arrangment options of the new finder window. The new window opens in different views.

Is it possible to limit the finder an view settings only to this specific path?

Hey Thomas,

Try this.


# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2017/12/12 04:30
# dMod: 2017/12/12 04:40
# Appl: Finder
# Task: Manipulate a Finder window and get the UI to update.
# Libs: None
# Osax: None
# Tags: @ccstone, @Applescript, @Script, @Finder, @Manipulate, @Finder, @Window, @UI, @Update

set tempLoc to path to favorites folder
set targetFolderPath to POSIX file "/tmp/"

tell application "Finder"
   set newWindow to make new Finder window with properties {toolbar visible:false}
   tell newWindow
      set its target to targetFolderPath
      set its bounds to {0, 23, 200, 400}
      set current view to icon view
      set its icon size of icon view options to 256
      set its arrangement of icon view options to arranged by name
      # Workaround for broken Finder — force the window to update.
      set its target to tempLoc
      set its target to targetFolderPath
   end tell
end tell

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@ccstone: I love you! Thank you so much!