hello im trying to solve this problem first please excuse for my bad english
i have made macro that if i put street name &number than return district of that street
it works fine!
[i tried first copy & paste english and it works then i tried korean copy & paste fails]
im trying to get %Variable%Local__district% changes
But its not working when i copy and paste the text and run macro except english
if i copy english and paste it just work so fine
and if i insert korean with typing its working like english and i dont understand why its different
i type exactly same words ..
[i tried typing korean and its working]
i know its complicated to understand this is why i put video clips.. if its not allowed i will delete this topic immediately thank you guys Help Me!.kmmacros (14.2 KB)
Hi @woogie
There is no reason the Korean Characters should make any difference, whether typed or pasted into your Prompt. Variables are always plain text so whether you paste or type into that field will not matter. The Variable will still be the same.
I have no idea what your Regex is doing (but if the Macro works for typed text then I assume your Regex is fine).
The only thing that I noticed and wondered about is why you have put \b at the front and end of this bit here?
A good way to troubleshoot this kind of problem is to make a much simpler Macro with a Prompt for User Input that simply asks for an input and then displays the Variable. From that you can establish that typing and pasting both work and if there is a problem it is somewhere else in the Macro.