The following shown KM actions executing VBA Editor shortcuts were working without issue in MS Excel 2011 under Mojave, but now when run in the same macro in MS Excel 2019 running Keyboard Maestro 9.2 under macOS 11.6 (Big Sur), the "a" and the "q" appear in the text of the VBA macro rather than "Selecting All", "Closing the Window" or "Quiting the VBA Editor".
Has anyone else seen this issue or have an idea of how to close the VBA Editor window from the KM macro without using UI actions?
You got me thinking laterally about a different (but vaguely related) problem I have:
If I could script the VBA editor for Excel (or Powerpoint) I could parachute in macros stored as text - using Keyboard Maestro. (With md2pptx / python-pptx I'm on the brink of being able to set up buttons in a PowerPoint presentation to call macros so this could actually be useful.)
I have to say I've found 365 applications to be largely inscrutable when it comes to UI scripting. But I have made some progress.