Slow undo

I've been experiencing this since the first time I used KM, to a point where I know that if I need to undo something I did, especially if I need multiple undo steps, I know it's going to be a drag.
A simple undo step can take like 3 seconds if it's a simple text I added and want to revert to the old version. If it was a bunch of text, it adds up and I'm just there looking at the screen, not really knowing where it is in the undo list. If we are talking about a complex thing like pasting multiple actions or something like that, it's painful, to say the least.

Anyone else experiences this?
If so, is there anything I can do to change this behavior?
@peternlewis are you aware of this? If so, any plans on fixing it?

You can see that from the moment I press CMD+Z, I start typing and you can see how long it takes to actually add those characters.
Kapture 2023-11-22 at 23.14.56

Undo is essentially the same as reload.

The primary things that can affect that generally are the size of the macro file, the size of displayed macros, and especially having multiple open editor windows.

Other than that, the likely cause would be some issue that is slowing down Keyboard Maestro loading the macros, something like a reference to a non-existent or unmounted remote volume or application.

As with any slow situation, if you can get an Activity Monitor sample of the application while it is slow, that is likely to point to what it is doing at the time and most quickly lead to a solution.

Why is KM the only app that takes this long to Undo?
Even apps that I have to make music and even video editing, are instantaneous.
Why is KM different and what do you mean by "reload"?

I tried with a brand new macro with a simple Alert action, no extra editor windows open. Sure, it is faster than having a more complex macro and multi windows open, but it's still slow, compared to all the other apps I work with.
This is really the only app that behaves like this.

How would I do that?

I just noticed another weird behavior. Look at how the 2 groups "Global - Promo Videos" swap at one point when I hit CMD+Z
Kapture 2023-11-23 at 01.14.10

And how slow the undo is, with just an alert action

Because Undo was bolted on the editor after years of development.

“Reload” as it in reloads all the macros when you undo. It is essentially the same as launching the editor, it reloads all the macros.


Get a sample, and then make the issue happen while it is sampling. It may not be possible to do if the sample is quicker than the time to cause the issue.

Was there a particularly order you thought the two identically named macro groups should be sorted in?

It's not just an alert action, it is reloading all the macros.

I'm not sure how I can be any clearer than this:

The primary things that can affect that generally are the size of the macro file, the size of displayed macros, and especially having multiple open editor windows.

Sure, it'd be nice if the Undo was faster. I can't currently make it any faster.

I would just expect that they don't change their position, randomly, just because I hit UNDO. Even if the Undo is not a real undo, it's a reload, I wonder why the groups suddenly change their position?
If you think it's normal behavior, let's move on with this. I just reported something weird happening. If it's "normal", then it's normal...
"I'm not sure how I can be any clearer than this" :wink:

I said this because of what you said, when you mentioned the size of the macro as a factor. If the macro only has an alert, instead of 50 actions, that would, in theory, make it behave like normal undo (kinda).

Well, if you can't, you can't.
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