Smart Group as a palette

Idea (Feature Request): Allow Smart Groups to become palettes? That way, you are effectively creating a palette based on a search criteria, similar to the function of tagging.

Wow, As I think about it, one very practical scenario is to create a Smart Group based on how recently a macro has been used (or how many times). If that Smart Group were a palette, you quickly show a palette of all your most frequently used macros, which you could trigger with their hotkeys, or drill down with keystrokes as through a conflict palette.

There may not be a way to make a palette out of a smart group, but there is a way to show and select from your most recently used macros in a prompt: KM8: List Last n Macros Executed

It is a manual way of doing it but one way I’ve since realized one can approximate this functionality is to create a palette of frequently used macros using the “Show Palette of Macros” action. Just FYI.