This macro lists any number of recently executed macros (five by default, but easily user-adjustable) using Prompt With List, then displays the selected macro in Edit mode. @DanThomas’s original “Get Recently Run Macros”, which this macro uses for the initial list of recent macros, can be found here: MACRO: Get Recently Run Macros with Last Executed Time
EDIT: Please note that this macro requires Keyboard Maestro 8 or later to function.
Great idea! Love it! As soon as I get a chance to upgrade to KM8, I’ll get this (assuming I haven’t forgotten by then).
One suggestion. I know your title says “KM8”, but you might still want to include a separate, hilighted line that mentions it requires KM8. I wouldn’t have realized it, because I always manage to be blind to the obvious, except that when I read the details I was wondering what the “Prompt With List” action was, and then I noticed the “KM8”. Just a thought.
Thanks, Dan! Coming from you I consider this very high praise
And thanks as well for your original macro, which made putting this one together considerably easier
Thanks for the suggestion too! You make a very good point, so I’ve updated the macro and post to try and make its requirements clearer. (and while I was at it, I went and added a screenshot of what the prompt looks like in action, just to try and help give prospective downloaders an idea of how it can be useful)
Thanks, @JMichaelTX! You're right, the automatic alphabetical sorting has always been a flaw in this macro if you want to see them in recently executed order, so it's great to hear that KM9 will enable that.