[SOLVED] Can't rename files

This is one of those cases where I'm sure it's another obvious thing for most of you, but I just can't make it work no matter what. Spent the last hour trying everything, but it's super frustrating that something so simple would take this long.

All I want is to add a certain text to the end of each selected file. In this case I want to add "-songName". Since I think KM doesn't recognize the file extension (at least that's what I remember someone mentioned before, but I could be wrong), I'm replacing the extension with the text + the extension. Hope it makes sense.

So a file called "album artwork.png" would become "album artwork-newSong.png", for example.

Rename promo images.kmmacros (25 KB)

Keyboard Maestro Export

Found the issues. Here's the final macro
I didn't know that then I use the "For Each" on a Finder selection, it would save it as a path. That makes it a bit easier and I think I was doing other stuff wrong.
Can someone clarify why my first macro was not working? I can't seem to find any issue there...

Rename promo images.kmmacros (24 KB)

Keyboard Maestro Export