[SOLVED] Regex question

Let's say I have a Finder path like this (but it could be anything that has a pattern):

Now I want to group patterns that can easily by multiplied depending on the number inside the curly brackets, but the pattern itself is a capture group.

Similar to this

So in this case the pattern is text+slash (folder2/) and it then can be repeated multiple times by changing the number {2} and the pattern itself is a capture group.
So in this case the main pattern is folder2/, which I would like to be a capture group as folder2/folder2/, because of {2}

If I change it to {3}, the group would be folder1/folder2/folder2/ and so on...

Hope it's making sense what I'm trying to achieve?

Unless I'm misunderstanding, couldn't you just do this?


Change the variable's value, and you'll change the number in the regex.


This is a regex question without necessarily including KM in the equation.
I would like to know how to achieve this without KM so I can learn a bit more how RegEx works.

But what you shared is not what I'm trying to achieve. The issue here is not the value inside {}.

What I'm trying to understand is how to create a group out of that pattern
Doing this ((.*\/){2})didn't work. It still sees those two (the folder in blue and the folder in yellow/brown) as 2 different groups. I want them both to be seen as 1 group.

Basically I create a pattern, which in this case is (.*\/){x} and by changing x inside {}, the pattern extends, but always as a single group, not as 2, 3, 4 groups, etc.

Let's say the path is

By using this pattern as the "raw" pattern (.*\/)(.*\/){1}(.*)$, I get two groups (everything up to John and then John/). The last one, which is what I want to eventually use as a group, is John/, right?
Now if I change {1} to {2}, the pattern of "any character followed by a slash character" expands to guitar/John/. But I don't want guitar/ to be 1 group and John/ to be a second group. I want 1 group as guitar/John/.

Use a non-capturing group (?:...) and apply the {2} to that group, putting the entire thing inside a capturing group:


In your first example, the ((?:.*\/){2}) will capture folder1/folder2/

In your second example, the ((?:.*\/){2}) will capture guitar/John/


This is the solution: I totally misread what you were asking to do, and @roosterboy answer is what you want.


Yes, that's it! Thank you! :muscle:




Keyboard Maestro's Filter action also rewards experimentation – it returns a number of named file-path components:

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