[SOLVED] Trigger Macros by Hot Key Failed to Find Any Active Macros

Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 8.40.18 AM

I am confused by what this means and why the macro was canceled. I have opened system preferences in Ventura and am triggering my macro and then after it opens preferences pops this dialog up even though I have turned off all warnings.
System Preferences - Display Order (Ventura).kmmacros (16.7 KB)

I'm thinking perhaps probably just something new with Ventura but not sure. I couldn't find anything on this in the forum or searching google.

The "Trigger Macros by the ⌘F Hot Key" action still has "Notify on Failure" enabled -- that's why you are getting the above notification. And it looks like it's failing because you have no active macros with that hot key.

Perhaps you've got one that used to work with System Preferences but needs its activation settings changed so it is active in the brave new world of System Settings?

Oh my goodness, I typed hotkey to search for the macro and not keystroke is what Keyboard Maestro calls it. I use the Keystroke action often and didn't realize I grabbed the wrong thing. Thank you very much. I have lost all my shortcuts from @DanThomas Tutorial: Keyboard Maestro Customized Actions and Named Clipboards - YouTube and was going from memory.