Some actions don't cancel if their parent macro is cancelled

When I run the following macro:... (you can ignore the emoji, they serve no purpose here)

... and then simultaneously run this macro with a different hotkey:...

...the first macro's window is not cancelled. The window sits there after all macros were cancelled. And then if I try to select an item in the window, the System Clipboard is not set to the value I selected. I'm puzzled why windows remain on the screen when the Engine isn't running any macros.

I started poking around with other input windows. The other common prompt window actions WILL close upon cancelling all macros, but the Prompt for Screen Rectangle actions does NOT terminate upon cancelling all macros, and even stranger, it DOES succeed in saving its data after its macro was terminated (!!), unlike the Prompt with List action.

In short, the Prompt with List action and the Prompt for Screen Rectangle actions do NOT cancel when their macro is cancelled, and one of them, only one, continues to function after the parent macro is cancelled. How can any action succeed if there are no macros running?

However if I cancel the KM Engine itself while either of those windows are open, even if the macros that created them have been cancelled, the actions will close. So they are still linked to the Engine, even though no macros are running. Strange.

I wonder how many other actions continue to run after the macro that created them has been cancelled.

I've seen this behaviour with the Display Progress action.

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@peternlewis This sounds like a bug?

Yes, all the windows are owned by the KM Engine process, so if the Engine stops, the the windows are killed also.

I mean, it's possible Peter kills them intentionally when the Engine stops, but even if he didn't, they would go away since the process that owns them ended.

I can confirm this.

Running a macro with a “normal” prompt, the prompt disappears when I cancel all macros, but not so with a “Prompt with List” prompt.

I guess this is related to the different behavior of these prompts:

When you click somewhere else (outside the prompt)…

  • A normal prompt doesn’t go away; macro keeps running because it expects a button click.
  • A “Prompt with List” prompt goes away, and the macro stops with that.