A considerable while ago I posted asking for the best way to select a program via it's shortcut location on the uppermost and main menu bar of my iMac. It was suggested to use found image to identify the app's icon position, then I could navigate the menu items off the the apps available menu.
I tried that and was never able to get it to work; and so I began targeting the app's icon via it's x/y co-ordinates which work's really well. In fact, it works "great".... until any other app is launched which can potentially re-position the targeted app. In which case I have to either simply close out of the launched app to regain functionality; or I enter KM and re-adjust the horizontal co-ordinates.
Because of this subtle but trivial need to adjust under certain circumstances, I am re-visiting how I might get the found image feature to actually work.
I have acquired a screenshot that was saved to my desktop, selected it, copied and subsequently pasted it to the found image macro from the clipboard. But despite manipulation of every possible parameter in the macro, the found image simply will not find the image. I've even tried changing the target from image to icon. Still nothing. I would however add that changing the target from icon to image with the settings in the macro I've provided and clicking the "go" button will move my cursor to the image in the macro and highlight it (aka "display"). But closing the KM window and actually attempting to run the macro using the assigned hotkey does nothing.
Which suggests that the image is being found by KM within the editor but it can't find it on my toolbar, which is where the image screenshot was acquired.
Looking for possible solution to this persistent problem.
Many people are having problems when using a screen shot saved to file. Either screen shot to the System Clipboard (⇧⌃⌘4 and drag out your rectangle) and paste directly into the action's image well, or if you already have the file you can try opening it in Preview and halving the image dimensions (Tools->Adjust Size...) then doing a Select All, Copy, and Paste into the image well.
Thanks for the suggestion @Nige_S. I will definitely try this now, however I have to ask "how in the heck does a human manage to press those 4 keys simultaneously??" Seems more viable for an alien to perform.
[Disclaimer] -> Not intended to be offensive for any said "aliens" who may also use KM
Nige's suggestion is the best way forward, and will likely be a solution, but you might also want to run the following macro once (in the link below) in order to find the correct scaling value for your image requirements. Knowing the value from this macro would likely give you a different way to solve the problem, because all you would have to do is re-scale the image to the correct DPI value before using it in a Find Image task. Something like this:
I think you can redefine that shortcut in System Settings.
Here were the results I acquired running your macro:
Found image at these DPI: 140 (9%); 141 (11%); 142 (8%); 143 (6%); 144 (6%); 145 (9%); 146 (12%); 147 (16%);
I used 144 but struggled trying to get it to work even with that DPI setting. So I managed to get the suggested shortcut keys to work, took the screenshot of the area and pasted into the image well of the "found image" macro. That now works!
Now the unfortunate unforeseen issue of selecting items off the menu using the image instead of co-ordinates raises it's ugly head.
That is the 3rd task of the macro I posted. The vertical co-ordinate will always be correct but how do I specify moving to the y-coordinate without supplying the no longer required x-coordinate since the image method now works???
As an example, in the macro I posted I want the cursor to move down to the 196 coordinate but no longer require the 2308.
Nevermind my last post. I figured it out by using the relative coordinate position used to click the "found image" and adjusting the y-coordinate off of it.
You said it works now because you are dragging the image into the image well directly. That is the best method to resolve this. My method is a little more complex but allows people to do it after storing the image in a file, which may be needed in some cases.