"Space" is "Enter" if an image is visible

How about triggering BTT via AS?


(@Nige_S , I don't have BTT either, I'm afraid)

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Guys I did it. If anyone is interested I have to use a named trigger in BTT. Now ⌘space opens the menu and the palette at the same time so that space is equals enter.

Thanks for your support and patience. :grin:

You're much better off triggering BTT then calling KM by script than trying to trigger one thing in BTT then another, manually, in KM.

Examples of both how to call KM from BTT and how to call BTT from KM can found in this thread.

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Thanks Nige, I will have a look at that too :slightly_smiling_face:

But it's still weird. KM should be able to execute two shortcuts in a row.

Have you tried them in reverse order and/or with a pause?

That depends. Remember, these are simulated keypresses and not hardware keypresses. If shortcut B can normally be triggered by both hard and simmed keystrokes but shortcut A puts your computer in a state where simmed, or both hard and simmed, keystrokes are swallowed and not passed as a KM trigger -- then no.

This is another reason why you are far better off chaining macros, even macros from different "host" apps such as BTT, programmatically rather than trying to use keystrokes, menu items, or similar. And KM's various "Execute..." actions make that easy.


Keyboard Maestro can do that, but you've interfered with the ecosystem by adding BTT into the mix.

You need to be sure to tell us at the outset when you're mixing and matching Keyboard Maestro with other tools like BTT. It's vital information that can make the difference between solving a problem and not.

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