"Space" or "Return" to Trigger the First Macro in a Conflict Panel?

Besides clicking or typing 1 to trigger the first macro in a conflict panel, is it possible to use the "space" key or the "return" key to trigger the first macro?
I have to look down to look for the "1" key, but I can press the "space" or "return" key without looking at the keyboard.
Currently, both the "space" and "return" key seem to cancel the conflict panel.

"1" might trigger a macro whose name beings with "1" but is not the first in the conflict panel. The "space" key might have the same issue. The "return" key might be the best option.

If it's always the same macro at the top could you give it a secondary HotKey and use it instead? If you have a multi-button mouse perhaps you could assign one of the buttons to "1".

I was suggesting a trigger for the first macro in all conflicts panels by default.

does adding a space at the beginning of the name of the macro work?

Surely it will work, but I will have to add a space to many macros, and they might not be listed as the first macro in a conflict panel. What I'm hoping to get is an alternative key to trigger the first macro by default, and the key is more accessible than the "1" key.

sounds like a useful request for a feature, @peternlewis ?

Space or Return can be triggers within a Conflict Panel. For example if you have a Conflict between

  • Macro
  • Macro Name

Space and Return will be the initial limiting triggers (and if there were two of each, then the Return key would not trigger the first macro).

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What would be great is if there was a token that could be in the Macro name to allow the Return key to be its trigger in a Conflict Palette.

Putting a space before the name works for the spacebar to be the trigger. But at the moment putting :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: in front of the Macro name doesn't make the Return Key the trigger. (I just tried it in case it might have worked :grinning:)


The only way I have managed to get Return to always trigger a specific Macro in a Conflict Palette is to give it a name of one Letter and make sure all the other Macros with the same Shortcut Key have names starting with the same letter. This works but it would be nice if I could call the Macro "Keyboard Maestro" rather than "K" and still be sure the Return key will select it from a Conflict Palette.



Thanks. That's difficult to catch! But it makes sense.

I have made the Return/Enter keys work in the case that is the deciding character.


Is this for the next version? Or are you saying it can work now?

As far as I can tell, if the two Macros are currently named:

I get this (where I can hit return to choose my Keyboard Maestro macro)

I like this single letter method and currently use it to denote which Macros should be my "default" Macros in the Conflict Palettes. In most cases I know what the single letter stands for (by including an Icon that makes sense). But I would prefer to be able to name my "default" Macro by more than a single letter and still have Return select it from the Conflict Palette.

If they are named
Keyboard Maestro

I get this (where b and n become the deciding characters)

If they are named
(space)Keyboard Maestro (i.e. with a blank space in front as @hello suggested)
I get this (where the Spacebar triggers my Keyboard Maestro macro - which is very good and in fact actually better than my Single Letter naming system as the Spacebar is easy to hit and I can give the Macro a full name rather than using a single letter. So, a big thank you to @hello for that.

To make any Macro the "default" in the Conflict Palette I simply add a space in front of its name.

But if they are named
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:Keyboard Maestro

I get this (i.e. :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: is not the deciding character)

But are you saying that in the next version, naming the first Macro
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:Keyboard Maestro would make :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: the deciding character? In other words, be able to set a Macro as the default to be triggered from the Conflict Palette?

Or are you saying there is a way of naming my two Macros to achieve this in the current version?

Thanks Peter! Sorry if I have misunderstood.

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The next major version.

Yes. Well, the character.

In the next major version.


Fantastic! That's really good. Sounds like a lot of great things coming... :grinning:

So, naming the Macro like this:

Would that display a Conflict Palette like this?

Or would it display like this (which might be nicer to look at)?

To be honest either way is fine. Very exciting. It is a small thing but will make the Conflict Palette even more powerful and useful than it already is.

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The former. The :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: will be just like any other character, except that Return/Enter will be a keycode for selecting it.


Makes total sense!

In the meantime (before the next major version is released) I think the best solution is to put a blank space in front of the "Default" Macro's name. Hitting the Spacebar to invoke it from the Conflict Palette is almost as good (but not quite :grinning:) as being able to hit the Return/Enter Key.


After trying this for a bit, I've gone back to my previous method. Give the Default Macro in the Conflict Palette a singe letter for its name - which allows hitting Return to launch it.

Putting 01) in front of this letter lists it at the top of the Conflict Palette (as @Martin wanted).



In my case, pressing ⌃S brings up this Conflict Palette (all these Macros have the same trigger ⌃S)


In every case the Default one is the one I use several times a day so, having it as just an icon is fine. When I want to run the Default I just hit the shortcut followed by Return. So, in my case to run the Macro that launches my scanner I press ⌃S followed instantly by hitting Return. I only need to look at the Conflict Palette if I am launching one of my other Macros that also uses ⌃S as the trigger.

Of course, this will all change in the next major version when we can use the Return Key symbol at the front of the Macro name. But until then, this is the best solution (for me).


Fantastic! This is now here in KM 10:

(Adding a :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: at the start of a Macro's name allows it to become the default in a Conflict Palette - and just hitting the Return Key will select it from the Conflict Palette.)


Thank you @peternlewis - I will use this for all my default Conflict Palette choices.
