Speak Words if they appear in the KM Editor's window Macro (v11.0.2)

I saw several threads in which people were asking if there was a way to search a macro (or a set of macros) for a specific string or variable name. So if the problem is finding strings, this macro could help out, because it is designed to alert you whenever one of a set of words is visible in the KM Editor's window. It runs every 2 seconds in the background, which seems like a good interval to me. You could change the interval, or you could change the name of the program that it works with.

It speaks the words if it finds them. It doesn't tell you where on the page the word is, but knowing that it's there is half the battle.

Speak Words if they appear in the KM Editor's window Macro (v11.0.2)

Speak Words if they appear in the KM Editor's window.kmmacros (11 KB)